Tuesday, 5 October 2010

SYLLABUS of M.Sc. (ELECTRONIC MEDIA) for Third Semester

Third Semester
M-13 Multimedia Technology in Electronic media
􀂉 Understanding hardware and software requirements for graphics and animation
􀂉 To train students with a sound understanding of multimedia
􀂉 To train students as a creative multimedia practioner
􀂉 To train students with sound knowledge of multimedia tools
Unit-1 Introduction to multimedia
􀂉 Concept and evolution of multimedia
􀂉 Hardware requirement and gadgetry for multimedia
􀂉 Use of multimedia in Electronic media
􀂉 Components of multimedia: Graphics, text, video and sound
Unit - 2 Image and Graphics
􀂉 Introduction to digital Image, Type and properties of graphics
􀂉 Color’s theory : models and modes
􀂉 Fundamental digital Image and file formats
􀂉 Scanner : function and type
􀂉 Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
Unit - 3 Introduction to digital Sound
􀂉 Definition of Digital Sound.
􀂉 Features of Digital sound : Tone, note, intensity, pitch & timbre
􀂉 Digitization and Audio Compression.
􀂉 Electronic music and synthesizer: MIDI interface and data format
􀂉 Recording and Editing of sound and music by sound forge
Unit -4 Animation
􀂉 Animation : meaning and types
􀂉 Classification : Film animation & Computer animation
􀂉 Concept of 2D & 3D animation.
􀂉 Introduction to 3D Max : Feature & Facilities.
􀂉 Fundamental of 3D animation : space, axes, co-ordinate line, special effects,
morphing, skeletal deformation
Unit -5 Authoring and production
􀂉 Authoring metaphors: Introduction, definition and function.
􀂉 Basic categories : slide show, book metaphor, windowing metaphor, Icon
metaphor and network metaphor
􀂉 Authoring stages: content, flow chart, prototyping programming, testing and
􀂉 Multimedia production team members
􀂉 Process of multimedia production: Development, Pre-production, production, post
production and delivery
Assignment :-
- Design and develop graphic with photoshop and coral draw
- Record an audio files and apply effects to it.
- Develop a 2D animation using Animator pro.
- Develop a 3D animation using 3D Studio MAX.
- Any assignment given by the faculty .
Reference :-
- Soochna Prodhyogiki awam Patrakarita by Malik, Ashok
- Encyclopedia of animation techniques by Richard Taylor
- Producing Animation by Catherine Winder
- Knowledge management in the digital Newsroom by Stephen quinn
- Young people and New Media by Sonia, Livingstone
- Dictionary of internet by Dsouza Y. K.
- Women empowerment through information technology by Sharma, Usha
- Multimedia Magic – BPB Publication
- Multimedia Making by Van Vaughen – TMH Publication
- 3D max Fundamentals – Techmedia
Teaching methodology: Lecture, seminar, demonstration on computer, practical
exercise, discussion and comparison of Electronic media.
M-14 Advance level of Script Writing for Electronic Media
- To develop a sound language capability for effective communication
- To impart training of idea generation and writing it down
- Developing skill of scripting for different media
- To enable students perform writing for electronic media
Unit 1 Language and Communication
􀂉 Meaning and definition of language, perception
􀂉 Audio language symbols, signs, symbols, icons etc
􀂉 Difference between written and spoken language
􀂉 Instant script preparation
􀂉 Changing trends in media language
Unit 2 Professional Scripting
􀂉 Script : meaning and types of script
􀂉 Role of a scriptwriter in media
􀂉 Concept of content and form
􀂉 Process of scripting : idea formation, research, sequencing,
􀂉 opening and concluding
Unit 3 Radio Scripting and Language
􀂉 Concept of spoken language
􀂉 Stages of scripting and editing
􀂉 Writing for different program genre/Adaplation
􀂉 Talk, news, newsreel, documentary, drama music and news formats
Unit 4 Television Scripting and Language
􀂉 Writing for visuals and visual communication
􀂉 Relationship between narration and visuals
􀂉 Writing for fictional and non fictional programmes
􀂉 Types of script – Treatment, screen play, shooting script, break down script
􀂉 Full page and split page script
Unit 5 Writing for Web
􀂉 Web writing and its growth
􀂉 Features of web writing
􀂉 Netizen /Flogs
􀂉 Experimentation with language on internet
􀂉 Emerging internet language
􀂉 Debate of content vs. form
- Participate in debate on the issues relating to language and communication
- Exercises of scripting on different formats
- Writing a five minutes radio talk on any current issue
- Scripting for a 10 minutes television documentary
- Scripting for a two minutes radio social advertisement
- Scripting exercise for web portal feature
- Preparing samples of different formats of scripts
- Organizing debate on the emerging trends of language
- Any other assignment given by the faculty
Reference:Media Writing Process by Dixit , Suryaprasad
Television & Screen Media by Blum, RichardA
Media Writers guide by Nortran , William Van
New Script Writers Journal by Johnson, Maryc
Basic aspects of Media Writing by Gupta , om
- The Craft of Copy Writing by June A Valladares, Response book
- Screen and Television Writing by EVGENE VALE
- Feature Writing for Newspaper and Mazing by Edward friend Lander John
Lee Harpee
- News Writing from Lead to 30 Mel & William
- Writing News for Broadcast by Bliss Patterson, Columbia University Press
- Plays on AIR By Stephen William & Huchintion Publication.
- Radio Drama – Theory and Practice, Tem crook, London.
- Writing for TV and Radio Hillard Robert, New York.
- Writing with power, Techniques for mastering the writing process, Elbow
Peter, New York
M-15 Producing Advertisements for Electronic Media
- To make students able to appreciate electronic media advertisement
- To give a understanding of advertising agency and its functioning
- To impart skill of advertisements making
- To make students aware of advertising industry and its issues
Unit 1 Concepts of Advertisement
􀂉 Elements of a good advertisement
􀂉 Types and appeals of advertisements
􀂉 Importance of commercials in electronic media
􀂉 Advertising and society
Unit 2 Advertisement for Radio & TV
􀂉 Creativity in advertisement
􀂉 copy writing and creative direction
􀂉 Writing for radio advertisement (jingles and spots)
􀂉 Importance of visual thinking
􀂉 Storyboard for television advertisement
Unit 3 Production of Advertisement
􀂉 Concept of media planning
􀂉 Research inputs - media, product and audience profile
􀂉 Drawing up the plan and setting objectives
􀂉 Concept of brand positioning, brand image and brand equity
Unit 4 Advertising agency and Its structure
􀂉 Introduction to major advertising agencies in India
􀂉 Structure and function of advertising agency
Unit 5 Advertisement for Web
􀂉 Internet as a medium of advertising
􀂉 Evolution of web advertising
􀂉 Production of web advertisements.
􀂉 Web portals and advertising revenue
- Participate in discussion one impact of advertisements on socity.
- Plan a production of 30 seconds TV advertisement
- Script social advertisement for radio
- Analyze and compare web advertisements
- Any other assignment given by the faculty
Reference: -
- News audiences & every day life by Nath , Shyam
ASCI code of advertisement
- Advertisement code of Doordarshan
- Advertising Copywriting, Philp Warad Burton Grid
- Creative Advertising- Theory and Practice by Andre E. Mariarty
- Advertising Management by Dr. MM Varma,
- Break ke Baad by Sudheesh Pachauri
- Handbook of Advertising Management byRoger Barton, McGraw Hill Pub.
- Principles of Marketing, Philip Kotler, Prentice Hall, New Jersy
- Media Planning by J R Adams, Business Books, 1971
- Consumer Behavior by Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Prentice Hall
- Essentials of Management by Harold Koonz and Heinz weihrich, Mac Graw -Hills
- Management and Practice of Public Relations by Norman Stone, Mac Millan Pub.
M-16 Media Research
- To teach basics of research and its application on media
- To develop skills of different kinds of research methodologies
- To familiarize students with knowledge of electronic media researches
Unit 1 Concept of Research
􀂉 Meaning, definition and nature of research
􀂉 Importance of media research
􀂉 Scope of Media Research
􀂉 Problem of objectivity in research
Unit 2 Major elements of Research
􀂉 Hypothesis and variables
􀂉 Sampling - meaning, types and problems
􀂉 Research design and its types
􀂉 Survey research, experimental and field research, panel research
Unit 3 Tools and Methods of Research
􀂉 Sources of data - primary and secondary source
􀂉 Questionnaire and schedules
􀂉 Observation - participatory and non participatory
􀂉 Interview method
􀂉 Case study
􀂉 Content analysis
􀂉 Diary writing
Unit 4 Type of Research in Electronic Media
􀂉 Application of research in electronic media
􀂉 Formative and summative research
􀂉 TRP and TAM
􀂉 Audience research cell
Unit 5 Application of Statistics
􀂉 Tabulation and classification of data
􀂉 Data analysis, software for data analysis interpretation
􀂉 Elementary statistics - mean, median and mode
􀂉 Graphic and diagrammatic representation of data
􀂉 Indexing, citation and bibliography
􀂉 Research report writing
- Make a research plan for a specific topic
- Prepare a schedule for survey on relevant research issue.
- Collect data on the basis of prepared scheduled by survey
- Classify and tabulate the data collected by survey
- Analyze data and make graphic presentation with the help of computer
- Write a brief report on the above research conducted
- Paper presentation on the importance of research in media
- Any other assignment given by the faculty.
- Social Research and Statistics by R.N. Mukerjee, Vivek Prakashan, Delhi
- Scientific Method and Social Research by B. N. Ghosh, Sterling Publishers N. Delhi
- 'Samaajik Shodh aur Saankhyiki' by Ravindernath Mukerjee, Vivek Prakashan
- Sanchar Shodh Pravidhi – Dr. Shrikant Singh
- Sanchar Shodh – Dr. Manoj Dayal
- Shachar Shodh – Dr. Sanjeev Bhanawat
M-17 Electronic Media Management
Objective –
- To impart an understanding of economic part of media
- Understanding the television and cable industry business
- To give an brief overview of media scenario
- To make students aware with the management responsibilities
- To develop students as team professional
- To induce an understanding of production process
Unit 1 Production Management
􀂉 Production planning, scheduling and managing deadline
􀂉 Resource management – Procurement, Storage and Logistics
􀂉 Maintenance of records – print and video library
􀂉 Quality management – Elimination of errors and production efficiency
􀂉 Promotion of total quality management
Unit 2 Equipment Resources
􀂉 Equipment for field production
􀂉 Configuration for multi- camera studio production
􀂉 Preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance and
o Corrective maintenance
􀂉 Equipment acquisition procedure
Unit 3 Resource Management
􀂉 Sources of financial assistance
􀂉 Pre – script and post script budgeting
􀂉 Contract document – penalty and legal implications
􀂉 Technical and financial proposals
􀂉 Commissioned and sponsored programme
Unit 4 Managing Human Resources
􀂉 Characteristics of HR in production
􀂉 Dealing with creative persons
􀂉 Organizational dynamics and culture
􀂉 Co-ordination, team building, leadership skill and motivation
􀂉 New ownership pattern
􀂉 Recruitment and contractual engagement of H.R., Service conditions and general
􀂉 Channel management and training and redeployment of personnel .
Unit 5 Electronic Media Marketing
􀂉 Market survey: media, product and audience profile
􀂉 Television rating point (TRP)
􀂉 Agencies of rating, process and method of rating
􀂉 India’s major media houses
􀂉 Major heads of income in media
􀂉 Indian scenario of satellite television industry
􀂉 Process of distribution of signals
􀂉 Pay channels v/s free channels
- Present a paper on the economic issues of media
- Participate in a debate on issues relating cable industry
- visit a local satellite television setup and analyze its economic functioning
- Conduct an interview with a production manager of a TV studio to enlist.
(a) Role, responsibility and accountability of production manager.
(b) Process of managing technical and human resources.
(c) Methodology to meet deadlines.
- Visit to tape/resource library of a television production centre to observe and report
functioning record keeping and retrieval system, care and maintenance of
- Develop a pre script budget for a 30-min documentary assign to a PSCU having
locations restricted to area specified by faculty . (For this assignment other relevant
details shall be made available by the faculty.
- Develop technical and financial proposals for your client against requirement of
producing a documentary for a duration of 20 minutes in Hindi and in English for
telecasting purposes.
- Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting Cable of the web by Eastman, Susantylen
- The Global Media – New Missionaries of Global Capitalism by Edverd
Herman and Robert McChesney, Madhyam Publication
- Cable Quest’ monthly magazine published by cable operator’s association
- Film production Management by Bastian, Cleve
- Indian media business by Kohli, Vanita
- Producers business handbook by John J Lee
- How to make great short feature films by Lan Lewis
- Electronic Media Management by Chiranjeev Avinash
- Television Program making – Colin mast
- Film Production Management by Bastian, Cleve
- The technique of Television production– Gerald Millerson
- Television Production - Allen Wurtzel
- The Techniques of Video-Production – Gerald Millerson
- The Essential TV Directions Hand Book – Peter Jarvis.
- Television Production – Zettle
M-18 Practical and Viva
Semester end practical strand could be viewed as 'part end evaluation'. Here the students
shall be tested for level of skills attained during a particular semester. Semester end
practical is expected to be conducted for evaluation sake by a competent professional
from the field of application. In some limited extent hence this is an orientation of
students towards world of work.
To provide opportunities to the students to prepare certain exercises for possible
demonstration of skills acquired by then to the specific level of acceptable performance.
These specifications shall come from the external expert. However for his referencing a
sample list of exercises shall be made available.
During the process the students shall be introduced to the expert. The expert shall assign
task/s to the students to demonstrate skills acquired by them during the semester. The
expert shall observe and evaluate student performance against his criteria of acceptable
performance and rank order the outcome. It is also expected of the expert that s/he shall
lend a hand of help for the students with a view to fill up the gap of knowledge, skill and
aptitude if any.
Guidelines for the external experts:
􀂉 Avoid paper-pencil testing as far as possible.
􀂉 Observe the individual performance and submit the outcome on a given performa.
􀂉 The expert is supposed to evaluate students on the basis of at least three
􀂉 The expert is to cover all the modules during his efforts to judge students.
􀂉 S/he may adopt any creative mode of evaluation suitable for the purpose. For
example: classroom presentation, group discussion, oral test (viva voice), outdoor
assignment, skill performance, role-play of anchor and interviewer etc.
Division of marks
Task/assignment - 1 25
Task/assignment - 2 25
Task/assignment - 3 25
Viva Voice 25
Total 100
A sample list of practicals :
􀂉 Making any graphics using multimedia
􀂉 Record an audio files and apply effects to it.
􀂉 Preparing samples of different formats of scripts
􀂉 Debate on obscenity and film censor board.
􀂉 Present a paper on one press law assigned by faculty.
􀂉 Participate in a debate on issues relating cable industry
􀂉 Develop a pre script budget for a 30-min documentary assign to a PSCU having
locations restricted to area specified by faculty . (For this assignment other relevant
details shall be made available by the faculty.
􀂉 Develop technical and financial proposals for your client against requirement of
producing a documentary for a duration of 20 minutes in Hindi and in English for
telecasting purposes.

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