Thursday, 11 March 2010

SYLLABUS of M.Sc. (ELECTRONIC MEDIA) for Second Semester

Second Semester

M-7 Introduction to Global Electronic Media


�� To learn about technological innovation of electronic media
�� To get the historical perspective of global media
�� To understand about new communication technologies

Unit - 1: Development of electronic media technology

�� Invention and applicaion of telephone, telegraph, wireless, film, picture tube, satellite, digital technology.
�� Main inventors of radio, television and cyber media.

Unit -2:Global Radio & TV

�� Brief introduction to the growth and Development of radio in the world with case study of Europe, France, UK, US, Germany, Australia, China, Japan and SAARC countries.
�� Brief introducti
on to the growth and Development of television in the world with case study of Europe, France, UK, US, Germany, Australia, China, Japan and SAARC countries.

�� Film classification

�� Brief history of cinema in india

�� Contribution of serfie einstien, kelshev, pudokin, akira kurasawa, satyajeet ray, DW grifth, John ford, fellini, Ingrid bergman to world cinema.

�� Dada Saheb phalke, ritwik ghatak, mani ratnam, adur gopala Krishnan, Bimal rai, v shahntaram, mehboob, raj kapoor, guru dutt, subhas ghai, sanjay leela bhansali, vidhu vinod chopra, yes chopra-their contribution to india cinema

Unit -3 Introduction to world Cinema

�� Film classification
�� Brief history of Cinema in India

Unit-4 Global Network

�� Introduction to leading media groups/organisation
�� AOL, Time Warner, Disney , Bertelsmann, Via com, News Corporation, Sony .
�� Major Indian Networks: Zee group, CNN-IBN, Enadu group, TV Today Network, STAR India, Sahara group, NDTV group.
�� Local and regional group

Unit -5 New communication technology

�� New video recording formats – Digital Vs Analogue
�� Signal distribution system – DTH, Cable Television
�� Television display systems - Picture tube, LCD and Plasma screen
�� Signal carrying systems – Fiber optics and broadband
�� New television technologies – HDTV, Interactive television
�� New radio technologies - Web Radio and Sky Radio
�� Satellite Communication – GSM & CDMA technologies

M-8 Radio Production


♦ To familiarize students with the basics of audio production
♦ To develop production skills and ability to present field based programs
♦ To familiarize the students with the latest equipment and gadgets of audio recording
♦ To develop professional capabilities of news reading

Unit 1 - Audio Technology

�� Nature of sound
�� Basics of audio recording
�� Selection, placement and types of microphone
�� Audio control and sound effect, PAN
�� Mono Stereo and surround sound

Unit 2 - Formats of Radio Programs

�� Generic element: content and format
�� Spot light, music, feature, talk, review, discussion, newsreel
�� phone in programme, Interactive program
�� Special audience and current affairs programs

Unit 3 - Radio and Voice

�� Role and responsibilities of a news reader
�� Do's and don'ts for news reader
�� Importance of pronunciation and clarity
�� Modulation and voice quality
�� Voice over

Unit 4- Field based Programmes

�� Live broadcast
�� Radio interview & commentaries
�� Art of interviewing
�� Types of interviews
�� Research Inputs
�� Reporting

Unit 5 - Studio Production

�� Recording of programs, selection of sound effects, editing and mixing techniques,
�� Process of planning, scheduling and transmission,


M-9 Television Production

♦ To familiarize the students with the complete process of video production.
♦ To inculcate a proportionate sensibility in the students for creative and technical ingredients.
♦ To develop the capabilities of the students to various areas of video production problems.

Unit 1 Introduction to Video Camera

�� Working principle of a video camera
�� Different types of video cameras
�� CCD
�� Components of video camera
�� Types of lenses
�� White balance process and need
�� Camera control unit
�� Basic shots and their composition
�� Concept of looking space, head room and walking space

Unit 2 Introduction to Television Production

�� Video production: meaning and scope
�� Video production process: pre production, production, post production
�� Production personnel and their duties and responsibilities
�� Types of video programmes production
�� Television studio and ENG production

Unit 3 Lighting for Television

�� Importance of lighting in television
�� Lighting equipment and control
�� Lighting techniques and problems
�� illumination system inclusive of inverse square Law & Luxmeter

Unit 4 Editing: Concepts and Fundamentals

• Editing - meaning and significance
• Grammar of editing – 1. Grammar of Picture 2. Grammar of Audio,
• eye line, point of view and continuity type- Match cut, jump cut, tempo, transition, special effects
• Importance of cut away and cut in shots
• Editing problems and ethics

Unit 5 Editing Techniques

• Criteria for editing - picture, narration and music
• Editing equipment - recorder, player, Video Switcher, audio mixer, monitor, speaker, special effect generator, non linear workstation
• Types of editing - assemble and insert editing, on line and off line editing, cut to cut and AB roll editing, Non linear editing : (Basics softwares)

M- 10 Web Media – Production

Objective :

- To develop students as sound web professionals.
- To impart knowledge of new media system and tools
- To impart skills of writing for web portals

Unit-1 Internet –Introduction

• Introduction to internet: e-mail, chatting, newsgroups, Chat rooms, bulletin board
services, etc
• Fundamentals of internet: WWW, IP, Web page, web sit, search engines
• Working of internet : networking and its classification
• Networking topologies, types of servers, server software
• Internet protocols (TCP/IP, FTP HTTP)

Unit-2 Web Development Tools

�� Language for creation of web pages:Introduction of HTML, DHTML and XML
�� Basic structure of HTML , creating hyperlinks, frame, form
�� Web development tools: Microsoft front page Xpress,
�� Introduction to Dreamweaver
�� Handling tools: Flash.

Unit-3 Cyber space and new media

�� Concept of Cyber space, Traffic jam
�� Theories of new media
�� Structure of a web news portal office
�� Introduction to major Indian portals:,
�� Introduction of web Radio, web advertising

Unit-4 Communication and team members

�� Powers and limitation of internet
�� Evolution of Internet language
�� Role of web master, application programmer and network engineer
�� Role of web team members: writer, copyeditor, visualizer, graphics designer
�� project manager, web site manager, animator, audio-video expert

Unit-5 Production and work process

�� Techniques of web media
�� Editing, layout and use of pictures in web
�� Web publishing tools
�� MS publishing Wizard, Introduction to MS personal web server, FTP server,
�� Embedding scripts in HTML documents.

M-11 Television Journalism


♦ To equip students with profound journalistic skills
♦ To develop students as an responsible television journalist
♦ To teach basic news writing skills
♦ To familiarize students with the news channels function
♦ To train students as sound newscasters

Unit 1: Basics of Television News

�� What makes a news story
�� News sources and news values
�� News writing : Importance and types of leads
�� Writing for visuals and writing to ear
�� Writing headlines, teasers and slugs
�� Major television news formats
�� Journalistic television genre – news, news program, news documentary, talk show, chat show, window shows (composite) etc.
�� Elements, ethics and values

Unit 2 Television Reporting

�� Basic skills of television reporting : team work, news sense, aggressiveness, research, sensitivity, curiosity etc
�� Functioning of a news bureau
�� Role and responsibilities of a reporter
�� Importance of piece to camera and vox pop
�� Live reporting
�� Interview – meaning, types and preparation
�� Framing and sequencing of questions
�� Travelogue in Television

Unit 3 Specialized Reporting

�� Political reporting and socio-cultural reporting
�� Economic reporting
�� Science and environment reporting
�� Sports reporting, legal reporting
�� Investigative reporting - Scoop reporting
�� Development reporting.

Unit 4 Making of a News Bulletin

�� Structure of a news channel
�� Functioning of a news room inclusive of assignment board
�� Run down and structure of a news bulletin
�� News graphics - Importance, types and usage

Unit 5 Television News Presentation

�� Qualities of a newscaster
�� Role and importance of a anchor
�� Voice analysis - pitch, volume, tempo, vitality
�� Common voice problems – nasality and denasality, huskiness and sibilance
�� Pronunciation and articulation problems
�� Use of prompter in television news